home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* demo.c
- Shows how to use the Madhouse-interface with a C-like language.
- Instructions to compile the program:
- - Perhaps your compiler doesn't like <pragma/...>, then use another
- name for this directory.
- - This program can be compiled without problems with MaxonC++ v3.
- For other compilers, you might have to change something.
- */
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <pragma/graphics_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/intuition_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/exec_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/dos_lib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define ABNC 0x40
- #define ABC 0x80
- /* Prototypes */
- void write_stopblank();
- void read_prefs();
- void write_error( char *str );
- /* Variables */
- char text[40];
- short color, scroll;
- time_t start;
- short duration_sec=0;
- struct Library *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- struct Library *GfxBase = NULL;
- struct Screen *scr = NULL;
- struct Window *win = NULL;
- struct Message *msg = NULL;
- USHORT DemoPalette[] = {
- 0x0000, 0x0FFF
- };
- struct TextAttr topaz8 = {
- "topaz.font",
- 8,
- 0,
- 0
- };
- /***************************************************************************
- *** open_all()
- *** Opens all things we need.
- ***************************************************************************/
- BOOL open_all()
- {
- IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library",37);
- if( !IntuitionBase ) return FALSE;
- GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library",37);
- if( !GfxBase ) return FALSE;
- /* Open a standard LowRes-screen. */
- scr = OpenScreenTags(NULL,
- SA_Depth, 1,
- SA_Width, 320,
- SA_Height, 256,
- SA_Font, &topaz8,
- if(!scr) return FALSE;
- /* Set the colors of the mouse-pointer to the background-colors. */
- SetRGB4( &scr->ViewPort,17,0,0,0);
- SetRGB4( &scr->ViewPort,18,0,0,0);
- SetRGB4( &scr->ViewPort,19,0,0,0);
- win = OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_AutoAdjust, TRUE,
- WA_NoCareRefresh, TRUE,
- WA_CustomScreen, scr,
- WA_Borderless, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- if( !win ) return FALSE;
- LoadRGB4( &scr->ViewPort, DemoPalette, 2 );
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *** close_all()
- *** Closes all things we needed.
- ***************************************************************************/
- void close_all()
- {
- /* This brings the screen behind all others and should avoid some
- stupid effects when closing screen with 68000-Amigas. */
- if( scr )
- ScreenToBack( scr );
- /* If something went wrong, we should tell this Madhouse. But mustn't
- write more then one lines in the errors-file. So we use this nice
- if-construct: */
- if( !IntuitionBase ) write_error( "No intuition.lib V37!" );
- else {
- if( !GfxBase ) write_error( "No graphics.lib V37!" );
- else {
- if( !scr ) write_error( "Out of memory: Couldn't open screen.");
- else {
- if( !win ) write_error( "Out of memory: Couldn't open window.");
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now we close all what we could open. */
- if( win ) CloseWindow( win );
- if( scr ) CloseScreen( scr );
- if( GfxBase ) CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
- if( IntuitionBase ) CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *** main()
- *** Here the real blanker begins.
- ***************************************************************************/
- void main()
- {
- BOOL quit = FALSE;
- BOOL user_quit = FALSE;
- short ypos = 20;
- short direction = 1;
- short oldy;
- /* First read the settings for our blanker and the duration-value.*/
- read_prefs();
- /* Now we start our stop-watch. */
- start = time(NULL);
- /* Open screen and window. */
- if(open_all()) {
- /* Color-parameter: set the right color. */
- switch( color ) {
- case 0:
- SetRGB4( &scr->ViewPort, 1, 15,0,0 );
- break;
- case 1:
- SetRGB4( &scr->ViewPort, 1, 15,15,0 );
- break;
- case 2:
- SetRGB4( &scr->ViewPort, 1, 0,0,15 );
- }
- /* Text-parameter: write the text. */
- SetAPen( win->RPort, 1 );
- Move( win->RPort, 5, ypos );
- Text( win->RPort, text, ( strlen(text) > 38 ? 38 : strlen(text)) );
- /* Main-Loop. */
- while( !quit ) {
- /* If the user selected Scroll, scroll the text. */
- if( scroll ) {
- oldy = ypos;
- ypos += direction;
- if( (ypos > 220) || (ypos < 20) ) direction *= -1;
- ClipBlit(win->RPort, 5, oldy-10, win->RPort, 5, ypos-10, 310, 20, ABNC | ABC );
- /* Minterms ABNC | ABC -> copy the rectangle without modifications. */
- }
- /* Mousbutton or key? */
- if( msg = GetMsg(win->UserPort) ) {
- quit = TRUE;
- user_quit = TRUE;
- ReplyMsg( msg );
- }
- /* When 'Change Blanker' is activated ( duration_sec is not 0 )
- AND we blanked (one second) longer as we are allowed to
- ( difftime(time(NULL),start) > time_counter ) then quit. */
- if( duration_sec && difftime(time(NULL),start) > duration_sec )
- quit = TRUE;
- WaitTOF();
- }
- }
- /* Close our stuff and -perhaps- write the error. */
- close_all();
- /* If the user stopped our Blanker, we have to inform Madhouse about
- this, otherwise it would perhaps (if 'Change Blanker' is activated)
- start a new blanker. */
- if( user_quit )
- write_stopblank();
- /* And finished! */
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *** ***
- *** Functions for the communication with Madhouse ***
- *** ***
- ***************************************************************************/
- /* Some global variables: */
- char bu[1500]; /* The buffer bu[] includes the whole prefs-file. */
- short bu_seek = 0; /* bu_seek is the read-offset of bu[]. We need this
- variable to see where we have to read the next
- parameter. */
- /* First some useful functions: */
- /***************************************************************************
- *** read_next_digit()
- *** Reads the next parameter out of our prefs-file.
- *** The next parameter must be a number.
- ***************************************************************************/
- long read_next_digit()
- {
- short number_cnt = 0;
- char number[50];
- while( bu[bu_seek] != (char) 0x0D ) {
- number[number_cnt] = bu[bu_seek];
- bu_seek++;
- number_cnt++;
- }
- number[number_cnt] = (char) 0x00;
- /* Overjump the (0x0D)(0x0A)
- * (Madhouse places these sequences between the lines.) */
- bu_seek+=2;
- return strtol( number, 0, 10 );
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *** read_next_string()
- *** Reads the next parameter out of our prefs-file.
- *** The next parameter must be a string.
- ***************************************************************************/
- void read_next_string( char *string, short maxlen )
- {
- short text_cnt = 0;
- /* A Madhouse-Text begins begins with a "$", so we jump over the first
- char. */
- bu_seek++;
- while( (bu[bu_seek] != (char) 0x0D) && (text_cnt < maxlen) ) {
- string[text_cnt] = bu[bu_seek];
- bu_seek++;
- text_cnt++;
- }
- string[text_cnt] = (char) 0x00;
- /* Now we have the text in string[]. */
- /*
- * Jump over the (0x0D)(0x0A)
- */
- bu_seek+=2;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *** read_prefs()
- *** Reads the preferences.
- ***************************************************************************/
- void read_prefs()
- {
- short text_cnt = 0;
- short number_cnt = 0;
- BPTR f = NULL;
- f = Open( "RAM:Madhouse_Storage/prefs", MODE_OLDFILE );
- if (f) {
- Read( f, bu, sizeof( bu ) );
- /* Now, bu[] has a contents like this:
- "$Hello, this is a text(0x0D)(0x0A)2(0x0D)(0x0A)0(0x0D)(0x0A)
- 5(0x0D)(0x0A)RAM:Madhouse_Storage(0x0D)(0x0A)".
- (0x0D) and (0x0A) are between every line.
- Hello,... is our first parameter, 2 our second, 0 our third,
- 5 the duration in minutes and RAM:.. a path to our directory,
- if we need data from it.
- All Madhouse-strings begin with a "$".
- We will put the first parameter in text[], the second in color,
- the duration in duration_sec and the path is not needed. */
- /*
- * First parameter (Text)
- */
- read_next_string( text, 40 );
- /*
- * Second parameter (Color)
- */
- color = read_next_digit();
- /*
- * Third parameter (Scroll)
- */
- scroll = read_next_digit();
- /*
- * Duration-Parameter.
- */
- duration_sec = read_next_digit() * 60; /*Minutes -> Seconds*/
- Close( f );
- } else {
- /* The Blanker was not started by Madhouse. Quit here.*/
- exit(0);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *** write_stopblank()
- *** Must be used if the user aborted the blanker himself.
- ***************************************************************************/
- void write_stopblank()
- {
- /* Just create a new empty file to inform Madhouse that the user has
- aborted the blanker. */
- BPTR f;
- f = Open( "RAM:Madhouse_Storage/stopblank", MODE_NEWFILE );
- if( f )
- Close( f );
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *** write_error()
- *** Tells Madhouse that an error occurred - can only be used ONCE!
- ***************************************************************************/
- void write_error( char *str )
- {
- BPTR f;
- char eol_marker = 0x0D;
- f = Open( "RAM:Madhouse_Storage/errors", MODE_READWRITE );
- if( f ) {
- Seek( f, 0, OFFSET_END );
- Write( f, str, strlen(str) );
- Write( f, &eol_marker, 1 );
- Close( f );
- }
- }